So many cars to look at. It was hard to pick just one car as your favorite, they were all so nice.

It was very nice to have the cars parked on the grass, it made the walking easy on the legs and it was cooler than the heated pavement. Important things when you get older!

The showers seem to clean the air and drop all the dirty dust on the beautiful old cars. Fortunately a few towels and a little elbow grease and they were sparkling clean again. Rain-rain go away! All these little boys want to play!

Here is Madison looking at all of the trophies for the winners in the car show. Madison came to help her Oma for the day at the store. Thank you sweetie for your help. I had a Fall Harvest Open House and it was a busy day for The Green Pea. The Oakdale Art Club had 20 members showing their art work in my store and that was a real treat. Thank you to all of the members for sharing your works. They are a friendly group with a lot to offer their members and the local communities. I was please to hear that they had some new sign ups for membership. A special thanks to Janet, Dorthy and Anita for looking after all of the art work, Friday and Saturday.