Can you see this cart on your patio, with some beautiful plants on it? I can, I wanted to keep it for myself. I always love the things that I buy. It makes it harder to sell them when I want them for myself...... It was in the store three days. I sold it!

The wood that I used for the bottom, came from an old church basement staircase. The church was built in the 40's. The wood was old, worn, distressed and a great color. Don't you just love the color?

I might mention that the cart had been parked in a barn for many, many years under a bird perch.... you know what I mean? It was hard to find any metal that the birds hadn't found first!!!

It is finished and beautiful. I really love this piece. Because we lived and had a dairy for many years. My heart still loves anything that is dairy related.

This if the before photo after I washed and sanded it down. I think you need to have a little vision, of what this might become. I was fortunate to have the old wooden stairs on hand. You know, sometimes hubby looks at me, like what have you brought home now! He is starting to understand and come around to my visions! That is half of my battle.
Have a nice evening. sandi