Meet Duke.

Duke is 28 years old (in dog years, that is) and is an intellectual. He is largely a self-disciplined, highly-motivated individual who strives for perfection. His manners are impeccable. He loathes uncleanliness. If he were a human, he'd fashion himself to be a fancy trial lawyer who resided uptown in a swanky, high-story loft with fabulous views of the city. And of course he's heard it all before... he's elegant, he's refined, he's handsome... He has got it all. He takes himself so seriously that this is why his owner put him in this loud, obnoxious necktie. She was trying to get him to lighten up a little bit.

Now this---
this is more like it. It's conservative. It's serious. It's understated. It complements the man behind the collar. This
is Duke.
Meet The Judge.

Judge is a laid-back kinda guy. He is the epitome of cool. There is nothing in this world that is going to rattle his cage. He does things at his own pace and that is just how it is going to be. When he walks the streets, he knows everybody and everybody knows him. He muses to himself that if he were to be a human, he would be a mobster. But not just any mobster---he would
have to be a boss, a real
capo. He would spend his days in a dark and smokey nightclub, sipping on Cuban cigars and handing out orders to his lower-echelon captains. Everyone answers to The Judge... and therefore The Judge prefers to stand out, to look flashy and draw attention.
The Judge
likes his necktie.

So... what kind of human would YOUR dog be?
Hurry to The Green Pea to get the perfect necktie for your discriminating canine. All neckties feature a coordinating fabric on the backside and will velcro securely around the collar.