My mom wanted me to share my baby boy nursery with you. We are due July 15, and here in hot Texas, that date cannot come soon enough!
BEFORE:This is what my room looked like back in January:

My goal was to transform this room into a sophisticated "Out of Africa" room, with new paint, drapes, and papier mache animal trophy heads.
After pinning lots of samples all over my walls, I bought up over 45 yards of fabric and supplies from the Dallas Fabric District, to make lined drapes, a crib skirt, bumpers, and pillow for my rocking chair.

I did some late-night sewing with my little helper.

And during the day I worked on my papier mache trophy heads. Here I am making the plaque and attaching the light framework to build the newspaper off of:

This is the making of my giraffe:

Once the heads were papier mache-d, I painted them with oils and stained their plaques.
AFTER:This is the final result:

The vintage binoculars were gifted to me from my mom a couple of years ago and came from her store. One pair even came with its original case and had "Paris" stamped on it. I know Mom had a hard time parting with these then, but I think now she's pretty tickled to see them featured in her new grandson's room.

Mom gave me the cool pith helmet at the same time. It had belonged to one of our neighbors and so it carries a bit of sentiment. The old picture frames I picked up at a local antique mall, and I just primed and painted over their gold gaudiness.

I'm using an old chest of drawers as my changing table, and I tossed a mirror over it to reflect light from the windows into the room. Both of these items I also picked up from my local antique mall.

Before I stitched my bumpers together, I had one side of the panels printed with a Bible verse that goes around the inside of the crib.
11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”Jeremiah 29: 11, 12

Thanks for peeking!! I'm off to go kick my swollen feet up!!
--Brandy O