Early to the show we go, coffees and pastries in hand. Anita and I started off a little after 6:00 am this morning. We wanted to get to the Peddler Faire early. On the way there were so many Yard Sales, Oh! what to do?? Stop of course, we were finding all of these great things and buying them too. We needed to save room for what ever we bought at the faire also. So finally we said, " let's not stop anymore until we get to the faire". We were not disapointed, there were so many venders and great things to buy. We filled our bags and arms and returned to the SUV to unload everything. Hurry let's get back and find some more, we had so much fun.........

This is artist Michelle Maher she paints signs, furniture, ladders, etc. Michelle has the support of her dear husband, son, father and mother. They are such a wonderful family. Michelle has been so nice to paint some custom signs for The Green Pea and they are sooooo cute.

Here is Anita with Lucy (with a muzzle and a tummy harness) walking along with us, Lucy is not very fond of other dogs.....that is why she wears a muzzle. There is my friend Margarete waving. Anita is holding my paper holder/cutter that came from the old Knox dress shop that was in Sonora on Main Street for many, many years. It would make a sweet little shelf, I will take some pictures and show them later...