Monday, July 13, 2009

A Quick Walk in The Green Pea

Can you just imagine all the fun hours some little girls had playing with this doll house? It is now
looking for a new home and someone to play with!!

I was have a conversation with Mr. Pea the other day when I noticed something strange!! I grabbed my camera and got off a quick shot of him from the back. Do you see something strange? Yes, you are right, he was wearing his shirt inside out!! Did I tell him? What do you think? Silly man, you must have been in a hurry to get to work.

I just love these French field glasses from Paris. They are time -worn and have a wonderful brass patina.

Look at this old screened baby crib, it was all in pieces in my friends lumber yard barn. Marvin is collector and he was showing me something else that he had found. I asked, what is that rusty screen thing? and Marvin said, "oh! take it, it's some baby thing". Soooooo I did and put it together, I thought it was going to be a playpen at first. Has anyone ever seen one like this? I think it was to keep the bugs off the baby, maybe while working outside in the garden?? Who knows?