Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A White Visit to Texas

I left damp, cold and foggy California in hopes of some warm sunshine. What did I find? I arrived in Texas and the sun was shinning and it was about 50 degrees. That was nice welcome to Texas. The next morning when I woke up, I looked out my window. I could not believe my eyes! Snow, a real snow storm. The wind was blowing and it is COLD!!! The picture above is the sidewalk, there is snow on top of ice. We are staying home and enjoying some quiet time and rest. I am loving it too!

A view out of my bedroom window. I don't think the snow will be melting soon!

My very own bedroom, just for Oma (Grandma). See the O on my bed pillow? How sweet is that! I love the old English ladder, with my fresh towels.

Do you think there is much of this left? Sweet daughter, made this just for me....
Strawberry Trifle, yes I had it for breakfast, snack time and when ever I thought about it. Sorry to say, that has been very often...